Surveyors in Northwest Territories

Last Name First Name City Employer Phone
Ollerhead Varick W. Yellowknife Ollerhead & Associates Ltd. (867) 873 9690 EXT 107
Smith Leslie L. Yellowknife Surveyor General Branch, NRCan (867) 444-8349
Power Maurice Yellowknife Gov
Skinner Iain Alexander Hay River Skinner Geomatics (587) 566-5164
Twa Cameron Yellowknife Surveyor General Branch, NRCan (867)445-2784
Gordon Ryan Thomas Yellowknife Surveyor General Branch, NRCan
Best Anthony Donald Yellowknife Ollerhead & Associates Ltd. (867) 873-9690
Simpson Bailey Yellowknife Government of the Northwest Territories
Foote Dylan Yellowknife Sub-Arctic Geomatics