Surveyors in Nova Scotia

Last Name First Name City Employer Phone
Attwood David T. Marion Bridge Attwood Surveys Limited 9025674916
Hardy Wayne D. Sydney
Gillis James Johns Creek
Parker Garry S. Porters Lake, Halifax County NorthTech Consultants Inc. (902)802-3333
Gould Michael James Amherst Rayworth and Roberts Surveys
Zwicker Charles Falmouth Able Engineering and Land Surveying
LeBlanc Matthew J. Middleton DeWolfe & Morse Surveying Ltd.
Stephen Adam M.F. Dartmouth WSP Canada Inc. (902) 835-9955
Middlemiss Bradley Dartmouth Government of Nova Scotia
Crowell Timothy Brookside WSP Canada Inc
MacMaster Michael River John MacMaster Surveys (902) 233-0494
Pyke Brian New Albany K.B.M. Forestry Consultants (902) 824-2214
Roddick Courtney Amherst Natural Resources Canada