Colombie britannique

Nom de famille Prénom Ville Employeur Téléphone
Abdel-salam Mohamed New Westminster British Columbia Institute of Technology (604) 456-8097
Burridge Colin Campbell River JE Anderson & Associates 2502874865
Barnard Warren E. Delta Watson & Barnard Land Surveying & Engineering (604) 943-9433
Bartlett Paul Surrey Retired
Bazett David C. Courtenay Bazett Land Surveying Inc. (250) 334-3248
Blackall R. O Charlie Lake McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd.
Blaszak Derek Penticton AllTerra Land Surveying Ltd.
Christie Jim D. Vancouver McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd. (604) 683-8521
Claxton Mike Victoria Michael Claxton Land Surveying Inc 2504792258
Cryderman Christopher S. North Vancouver Underhill Geomatics Ltd.
de Haan Christopher Kamloops Underhill Geomatics Ltd 250-372-8835
Dodge Douglas Lloyd Williams Lake Exton and Dodge Land Surveyors Inc.
Eaton Edward C. Chilliwack Vector Geomatics
Ferguson Thomas E. Kelowna Ferguson Land Surveying & Geomatics Ltd. (250) 763-3115
Hinterberger Milos J. Trail Hinterland Surveying & Geomatics Inc. (250) 364-1444
Hol G.A. (Bert) Pender Island Aplin & Martin Geomatics Land Surveying Ltd.
Johnson Joseph Salmon Arm Browne Johnson Land Surveyors
Lloyd Ian M. Vancouver Surveyor General Branch, NRCan (604) 666-5326
Milne Duncan Penticton (604) 926-1108
Minnie Steven J. North Vancouver Steven J Minnie BCLS, ACLS
Mitchell Darryl J. Abbotsford Axis Land Surveying Ltd.
Motherwell John Loudon Victoria John Motherwell & Assoc. (604) 475-3535
Ringwood Patrick Victoria Patrick Ringwood Corporation
Robertson Ian Roy Delta PSPC (604) 666-7765
Smith Blair Nanoose Bay Blair M. Smith Consulting
Ludvigson Dave Campbell River McElhanney 250-287-7799
Riecken Robert K. Vancouver McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd. (778) 746-7431
Power Kenneth Mitchell Chilliwack AMR Land Surveying LTD
Brown Wayne William Kelowna Caltech Surveys Ltd.
Taylor Brent Duncan Polaris Land Surveying Inc
Shaw James G. Vancouver McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd.
Hardwicke David Joseph Terrace Allnorth (250) 638-0808
Ross Wayne Alexander Fort St. John McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd. (250) 787-0356
Whale Jason Fort St. John Vector Geomatics Land SurveyingLtd
Denton Bronwyn Dena Kelowna Allterra Land Surveying Ltd (250) 878-9672
Powley William Fort St John McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd.
Luo Jian Hua Richmond Matson Peck & Topliss, Land Surveyors 604-270-9331
Goertzen Shauna Cecile Prince George McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd.
Elliott Brian Fort St. John Tryon Land Surveying Ltd. 250-782-5868
Brown Cade H. Vancouver Surveyor General Branch, NRCan
Rhodes Scott C J Kamloops TRUE Land Surveying Ltd. 250-828-0881
Cotnam Tyson North Vancouver Bennett Land Surveying Ltd.
Zelli Shahrad Vancouver Surveyor General Branch, NRCan
Sangha Manjit Vanderhoof Sangha Geomatics & Land Surveying Inc. 250-567-2229
Bryenton Chris Delta Public Services and Procurement Canada
Ball Brian Victoria MH Surveys
Storback David Eric Campbell River Underhill Geomatics Ltd.
Harrichhausen Martin French Creek McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd. 250-748-3335
Schuler Ryan Fort St. John Underhill Geomatics
Beaugrand Christopher William Chilliwack Vector Geomatics Land Surveying Ltd.
Lunn Johnathan Campbell River Highmark Land Surveying and Engineering Ltd.
O\\ Rory Kelowna AllTerra Land Surveying Ltd
Henry Cameron Kelowna Ferguson Land Surveying & Geomatics Ltd. 250-763-3115
Batten David Nathan Fort St. John McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd.
Shortt Jason Vernon russell shortt land surveying inc 2505450511
Mandeville Ross Penticton Mandeville Land Surveying Inc.
Symonds David Duncan Kenyon Wilson Professional Lnd Surveyors
Hill Thael Burnaby Underhill Geomatics Ltd. (604732-3384
Christian Andrew Duncan Polaris Land Surveying Inc.
Hamel Jason Langley McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd. 6044244903
Sidhu Amanpreet Singh Vancouver McElhanney Ltd.
Rijken Zuzana Surrey Aplin & Martin Geomatics Land Surveying Ltd.
Mooy Matthew Vancouver Surveyor General Branch, NRCan (604) 666-5317
Heath Alexander Elliot North Vancouver Hobbs, Winter & MacDonald (604) 986-1371
Clifford Gregory Langley Surveyor General Branch, NRCan 604-679-6464
Meister Veronica Williams Lake Exton and Dodge Land Surveying Inc.
MacDonell Connor Vancouver McElhanney (780) 441-5755
Foord Czarina Delta Association of BC Land Surveyors
Vandermark Danu Nanaimo Bennett Land Surveying Ltd
Sabo Olivia Vancouver Natural Resources Canada
Buxton Claire Vancouver McElhanney Ltd
Bao Xunchen Coquitlam Aplin & Martin Geomatics Land Surveying Ltd
Goodier Peter Nelson Runnalls Denby BC Land Surveyors
Odunaike Olalekan Tunde Victoria Hydrographic Surveyor (Freelance) 2283633581
Khan Tanya Maple Ridge NRCan