Study Material
The ACLS has available most of the materials candidates will need to study for the Professional Examinations. These are in the form of streamed videos on GeoEd, and textbooks or manuals.
The ACLS is in the process of replacing all videotaped seminars with more current streamed videos available on the GeoEd portal. The new Offshore Property Rigths and On Shore Property Rights are currently currently available on GeoEd.
Item 2, Onshore Property Rights Section: download the “Surveys, Parcels and Tenure on Canada Lands” andview the on-line course entitled “On shore Property Rights” available on GeoEd
- The 7 module Property Rights course can be found on GeoEd here.
Item 3, Government Structures: download the free publication ‘How Canadians Govern Themselves’ by Eugene Forsey’ (